
Licensing in photography

As part of copyright law, licensing is the system through which artists grant specific rights to clients or organizations to reproduce their work. In photography, as in other fields, it is a complex and situational matter. Licensing allows photographers to...
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Anterior view of St. Canisius Church, Berlin - brutalist concrete with rusted wood panels and geometric openings on an overcast day.

Brutalism in Berlin

An architectural movement that emerged in the 1950s, Brutalism is best known for its monumental structures. It emphasizes functional design, by favoring the showcase of bare construction materials and structural elements, such as exposed concrete, steel, and brick, over decorative…

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Masking in Capture One

Masking is a fundamental technique in photography that allows us to isolate specific areas of an image for targeted adjustments. By creating precise masks, you can selectively enhance, modify, or protect different parts of your images, enabling greater creative control…

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Contracts in photography

Contracts for photographers are essential legally-binding documents that define all parameters for a commercial photography project. They protect both parties and establish a trustful professional relationship between the photographer and client. Contracts should be written in a clear, concise language, avoiding...
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Blending modes in Photoshop

Blending in a computational environment is understood as the mixture of color information between two elements. Photoshop and other editing software typically use the same names and behaviors for blending modes, as these modes are derived from logical statements and…

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Copyright in photography

There are a multitude of factors and parameters that dictate who owns the copyright of an image, because it is a complex, largely circumstantial issue. At its core, copyright protection in photography starts existing the moment an image is created. Postprocessing,...
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